Thursday, June 13, 2013

Travel Day Thoughts

I've been rereading Jane Eyre. I definitely closed the book and smiled when I read the following passage.

Jane, although content in her life, has this vision of the "real world," that is waiting for her with all its enormity and passions. It always takes courage for me to leave home because I get so attached to my people and to head out alone always terrifies me. Ironically, with the same intensity that I fear the leaving of home, I grow to love the places to which I venture.

Now that Jane's arrived at the new place, her mind is all a flutter with the possibilities. This thought she has encapsulates all that I hope for these next 6 weeks, flowers and pleasures as well as the thorns and toils (I guess). 

I fall in love easily, and that's what I look forward to most on this trip, the relationships with the people I will build. 

I'll leave you the 20 that captured my thoughts, exhausted me, and stretched me (this year) by being their unique selves. I taught them the whole readin writin rithmetic business, but I also taught them how to do handstands against the fence and cartwheels.

This kid made me feel all the intensity that goes into the teacher/student relationship. He's brilliant, fascinating, and just got me. I love him much, but he also drove me absolutely bananas, So, of course, he was my favorite.

P.S. My plane is about to leave! 

1 comment:

  1. It's a fantastic smellin book, Mer! When I get back, it's all yours! :)
